Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Boxing Day!

It is my pleasure to share some Christmas photographs with my people. You will note the excessive snow and ice, and meager presents under my tree. I am sure more presents will be coming soon, once the roads are cleared and my subjects make it across the moat to the palace.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What Do You Give Thanks for Today?

Perhaps the opportunity to become a Fan of Sadie on FACEBOOK?

Simply, log onto your Facebook page, and search for Sadie's Page. See you there! Oh, and have a Splendid Thanksgiving! I hope your turkey is both delicious and nutritious.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Letter from A Gentleman

My Dear Lady,
I have been enchanted! I caught sight of your picture over the shoulder of my human lass on Monday, you captivate! Do forgive my stolid inquiry--are you spoken for?
HixtonLee, Esq.

Sadie Says: Hixton, you are a dear, but I am afraid you'd find me to be a bitch!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Lovely Morning for a Nap

I am so exhausted from my various duties that I find a mere 22 hours per day of sleep is simply running the tank to empty. I hope to catch a little nap, and refresh the neurons.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Fan, Harley, Sends Photo

Sadie Says: I don't know what you are seeing, but it looks to me like he's heels over head in love with me. (Isn't everyone??)

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Oslo, Norway: Sadie was awarded the Nobel Puppy Prize today for obvious reasons according to a unanimous vote of the Nobel committee. Although humbled by the award, Sadie, who is not known for false modesty, did have to admit that it was about time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thoughts On Wearing a Crown

The platinum and jewels tend to be rather heavy, and it is difficult to smile while wearing the state crown. Perhaps, one should not really smile anyway. The crown after all is a symbol of a high and solemn office.

Friday, August 21, 2009


1) Move cushions to suit your own design
2) Cross your legs unless they are properly covered by the cushions
3) Use one of a kind hand made pillow to catch any drool
4) If you are comfortable, resist any effort by others to move you

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And This Bitter Tidbit from my Frienemey, Baby Doll:

Dear Sadie,
I've been reading your blogs and you think being a Princess is so great, WELL! I am a Queen. My Queendom is a little house in the 'hood, but Queen outranks a princess never the less!!!! I will send you a picture of me out galavanting with Hillary Clinton too!!! We have many things in common as you will see (Hillary and I, NOT you and I!). I will be contacting you soon!
Baby Doll

Sadie says:
No comment, Tart!

Friday, August 14, 2009

More from the Mailbag:

Dear Sadie,
We are big fans of yours and read your blog every chance we get. We think you are one of the lovliest ladies in all of Omaha (and we go to the dog park alot). We are sending some pictures. One of us wrestling on our bed (we know wreslting is probably beneath you) and another of us lounging waiting for our dinner. Why are the humans so slow in preparing our meals, and then half the time they aren't even warm enough. We hope you have enjoyed your summer by the pool. We are looking forward to fall when the weather is cooler and we can be taken for more rides. We are free spirits and love to feel the wind in our noses.
Thanks for your blog and your advice on how to deal with the people.
Two of your Biggest fans,
Gus and Hauss

Dear Gus & Hauss,
You are two big strapping fellas, and you are too too kind! While I do not participate in wrestling, I have been known to spectate. Regarding the preparation of our meals, I insist my staff eat some of my dinner first--in case, anyone drops dead from poisoning. You can never be too safe if you are royalty.
Princess Sadie

Saturday, August 1, 2009

from Sadie's Mailbag

Dear Sadie,

I need your advice. I'm being held hostage in a God forsaken place called Millard, Nebraska. Every time I try climbing the wall to escape, the person squeals at me in the harshest tone, " Maxie get away from there!" If that isn't bad enough, when she is trying to get my attention, she refers to me as "Maxie Doodles". I don't know how much longer I can take this verbal abuse. Yesterday, I made a break for it, and the next thing I know she is chasing me down the street in her pajamas, yelling, "Maxie, cookies....cookies". Please, do you any ideas concerning the training of an old woman?

Prince Max
Land of the Vikings

Dear Max,
My human pets are also morons. I simply accept them as quirky companions meant for my amusement (and also to wait on me hand and foot).
Princess Sadie

Monday, July 20, 2009

Breaking News:

HRH Princess Sadie Releases Official Birthday Photograph

Please notice the similarity between HRH photo and that taken of HM QEII last year by the famed celebrity photographer, Annie Leibovitz. That regal stature is clearly hereditary. This marks the sixth year of Princess Sadie's reign in Omaha.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Sadie's Mailbag. . .

This letter arrived from a miniature poodle:

Dear Sadie,
What advice do you have for me? Last week my boyfriend left me for a schnauzer. I was so beside myself I urinated right on the floor. My people yelled at me. I can't do anything right. I think I need to see a psychiatrist. What do you think I should do?

Dear Frenchy,
You silly dog, you can't see a psychiatrist--you're not allowed on the couch!
Princess Sadie

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Excuse Me! The Princess is Trying to Sleep!

I have directed my staff to thank the most kind "Medical Records Girls" for the thoughtful sign indicating discretion in the hallway while I attempt to get my beauty rest. This shall come in quite handy as the I am sensitive to noise and other unruliness. As I was just saying the other day, "This house is not a gymnasium, it is a museum."

Saturday, July 4, 2009

What Would You Do Today?

Sadie Says: What to do on a rainy Fourth of July,
but in a freshly made bed to lie.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sadie Has Some Summertime Fun!

Here I am chasing my pet human around the swimming pool. I don't know how he got in there. I do wish they would stay out of my pool, it's just not sanitary!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadie Working Undercover!

Dear Blog Fans,
You have probably been wondering, "Why isn't Sadie blogging lately?"  The truth can now be revealed.  My dear friend, Hillary, requested I go on a special mission for the State Department.   It turns out, the government needed a very special agent to train a new puppy for the White House.  As you have no doubt learned, that puppy is "Bo."  It was a tough job, but the duties of an Ambassador are plentiful.  I am planning to rest for awhile at the palace before my next assignment.  I'll keep you informed, so long as it's not classified
Yours truly,
Princess Sadie, Ambassador-at-large

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Did You Hear About My New Movie ?

I am up for the lead in  Slumdog Bulldog and this  is me begging for food.  I hope you can appreciate the angst.  The hitch is, of course, the producers are going to have to spring for a first class ticket to Mumbai, otherwise they can just get Lassie.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter from California

So Sadie,  Long time no bark.  Attached is a photo of me surveying my kingdom.  You can see more photos of my digs at  It is tough keeping all my people here in line.  They have me on a diet...can you believe it?   I ate all the frogs that were here when we arrived so I can't even supplement my snacks with a few choice tidbits anymore.   It's all I can do to catch a water skeeter once in a while.  Do you have this problem to?  Wet kisses...your friend,

Dear Rowdy,
No wonder you put on weight eating French food.  I have to watch those rich sauces myself.  As a matter of fact, everything I eat seems to give me gas!
Best regards,

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I want to thank Brad, Phil, and the whole crew at Markel Land Rover Omaha for customizing my new Range Rover.  It is so much easier to reach the gas pedal and brake now, and the Milkbone holder makes much more sense than an ashtray as I never smoke while driving.  Thanks also for the snappy new collar!  I will tell everyone at the kennel club about the superior customer service and attention to detail.  My Rover is so cool, it makes me want to leave the Bentley in the  royal mews.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This Ambassadorship is Looking Like a Sure Thing

They have sent around some tradespeople to fit me for an Ambassador's sash.  However, I am sure I will have to wait until after the inauguration to be presented to the Queen.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

 On the Hush-Hush:  Word from the beltway is that there might be an Ambassadorship in my future.  More later.