Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter from California

So Sadie,  Long time no bark.  Attached is a photo of me surveying my kingdom.  You can see more photos of my digs at www.goldcountrybandb.com.  It is tough keeping all my people here in line.  They have me on a diet...can you believe it?   I ate all the frogs that were here when we arrived so I can't even supplement my snacks with a few choice tidbits anymore.   It's all I can do to catch a water skeeter once in a while.  Do you have this problem to?  Wet kisses...your friend,

Dear Rowdy,
No wonder you put on weight eating French food.  I have to watch those rich sauces myself.  As a matter of fact, everything I eat seems to give me gas!
Best regards,

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