Friday, August 14, 2009

More from the Mailbag:

Dear Sadie,
We are big fans of yours and read your blog every chance we get. We think you are one of the lovliest ladies in all of Omaha (and we go to the dog park alot). We are sending some pictures. One of us wrestling on our bed (we know wreslting is probably beneath you) and another of us lounging waiting for our dinner. Why are the humans so slow in preparing our meals, and then half the time they aren't even warm enough. We hope you have enjoyed your summer by the pool. We are looking forward to fall when the weather is cooler and we can be taken for more rides. We are free spirits and love to feel the wind in our noses.
Thanks for your blog and your advice on how to deal with the people.
Two of your Biggest fans,
Gus and Hauss

Dear Gus & Hauss,
You are two big strapping fellas, and you are too too kind! While I do not participate in wrestling, I have been known to spectate. Regarding the preparation of our meals, I insist my staff eat some of my dinner first--in case, anyone drops dead from poisoning. You can never be too safe if you are royalty.
Princess Sadie

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