Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Canine Good Citizen of the Year (by virtue of official testing) Wishes you a

          H    A    P    P    Y          N    E    W         Y    E    A    R     !

Monday, December 15, 2008

What Could Santa Bring You?

and checking it twice.
Let's see, are you naughty or nice?
Will you get Santa a drink,
and serve it on ice?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Everywhere you look!  But, wow!  What's this Princess Sadie has to teach another session of classes at the Canine University?   When will these people learn.  I have shopping, and wrapping, and making treats.  Where does the time go?  I can hardly wait for Christmas Break (let's hope that they don't take that away from me.)  

P.S. at least it looks like the decorating is done.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Start Your Engines! The Holidays Are Here!

Boy have I ever been busy!  I started decorating for Christmas as you can see.  First, the Airport Authority called because pilots were complaining of glare while trying to land.  Then, I hear from NASA that they spotted something very bright from the International Space Station, and couldn't identify it.  

Things were just calming down, when there was a knock at the door.  Guess who was there.  Well, it wasn't Santa Claus.  It was the D.E.A.  Apparently, there had been a spike in electrical usage and they were concerned about a possible marijuana growing operation.  Personally, I think those agents have been watching too much television.  On top of all this, I still have to finish shopping and wrapping.  I hope everyone likes Milkbones!  You know what I always say--"if they don't like it, they can just give it to the dog."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

White House Job?

Possible Titles:

1) First Puppy
2) Puppy-in-Chief
3) Secretary of Good Humor

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Arrived in Sadie's mailbag last night:
I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.  We just made history.  And I don't want you to forget how we did it.  You made history every single day during this campaign--every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.  We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next. But I want to be very clear about one thing--All of this happened because of you.
Thank you,

Do you think he is going to tap me for a White House job?  I heard he mentioned Puppy and White House last night in Grant Park.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

This witch's hat is just silly!   The things a girl has to do to get a treat.  It's always "sit" or "lay down" or "stay" or "come here" and NOW, this hat!   What an indignity!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Breaking News:
Here I am at Senator Clinton's Rally for Obama-Biden today.  I am standing next to her by the podium, in case you can't see me.  I don't know who adjusted that podium so high.  In any case, if my girlfriend says to endorse Obama, then that's what I am going to do.  Did you notice how young and vibrant Hillary looked in person?  Maybe eight years won't be that long.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vive La France!

Sadie's Gone French!

Mistaken Identity

While the city council and mayor have declared  American Bulldogs to be "pit bulls," I have been researching my heritage and have found out that I am actually a French Poodle.  Please correct your records, everyone!

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Summer Vacation

You can all relax, I'm home!  Here's a couple of slides from my vacation pictures.  I'll save the full presentation for one of those cold winter nights.  You could come over and snuggle on the couch by the fireplace, and snack on kibble and bits, while I give the full  slide show.  I wonder if there might be an emmy in it for me?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Ready for My Olympic Medal Now!

I may not be a canine Michael Phelps, but I did swim across the pool!  And I am really good at the doggie paddle.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Day in The Sun

Every dog has her day in the sun, but this sun tanning is hard work.  My lips are dry and could use a juicy Mojito.   Where is that cabana boy?       "Oh, Boy!  Over here!  Make it snappy, My throat is a desert."

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Birthday Wish

           More Cake,  More Ice Cream...
and may be my own American Express Card.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

HELLO! My Birthday is Tomorrow!

Here I am patiently waiting for trucks of birthday packages to be delivered.  Did I hear someone say Omaha Steaks?  May be that was Borsheims or Tiffany & Co.   I'm sure there will be a surprise party too!   Do you suppose we'll take the Bentley out for a spin?  Perhaps I should put on my driving moccasins, I'm sure its my turn to drive.  I am so excited I could pee!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

For Father's Day

One of my baby pictures.  Everything I needed to know I learned in puppy class.  Sometimes life is good, sometimes it's not.  Pour  yourself a cup of coffee, and drink it while its hot.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Biker Dudes Want Me

Hello Sadie!
We are the Spicka men.  We are all from your hometown of Omaha.  We are all miniature schnauzers and as you can tell from our photo, we like Harley Davidsons! Our owners spoil us.  We get fancy hats, special treats, great toys and have quite the fan club.

Luther is on the left.  He is the oldest.  He is the oldest.  He is quite the authoritarian and he does not hear well.  But, I have to say he has eyelashes that would melt butter.  So may be hanging with a quiet old man would rock your world?

In the middle is my little brother George. He is quite sweet, but is a great escape artist. Kind of whimsical guy, he is.  Always has a great sense of adventure and loves to get into trouble.  If your desire is to run away and escape, he's your man!

My name is Howard.  I am the lover, the tail wagger, the MAN!  I have ears that make the girls take notice.

So...yo!  Sadie!  How about taking a ride with us dudes on our hogs?   We can cruise the black ribbon highway and see the countryside!  You would look great in a black leather collar with flames!

Another Note from Dude...(Is he in prison?)

Hi Sadie,
How are you?  One of my humans took a picture of me.  I was yelling at her not to take it today, I was not having a good hair day.  I wanted to wait to do a picture and try to look good to impress you.  I tried to keep moving when she got that camera out, but finally I just stood there and yelled at her, humans call it barking.  Anyway, I decided to go ahead and send this picture to you.

My good pal Boots has been reading your blogs too.  She is like a sister to me.  She is purebred like you.  She doesn't mind that I am talking to you, I kind of annoy her at times maybe because I am kind of wild and full of energy, so she is ok with me spending time with you.  She might write to you later and send a picture, too.  She is pretty high class just like you.

Let's keep in touch.  I check every day to see if you have a new picture or if you write anything new.

More Fan Mail

Hi Sadie,
My name is Boots.   You have a nice crib, I saw your pictures.  And you are wise to be leary of those private jewelers who think you don't know a real diamond.  I am sending a picture to you.  I am an Australian Shepherd.  I know you have heard from Dude, he is like a brother to me, he thinks you are cool.  Thanks for letting him write to you, it means a lot to him.  Your sunglasses are marvelous, and your taste in Milk Bones and Slo-Gin Fizzes is something we have in common.  Keep in touch.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Heard It Was Beach Day!

So where are the hot dudes?

Oh, never mind.  Just bring me a Slo-Gin Fizz, honey.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fan Mail

Hi Sadie!
I'm Baby Doll the Cat.  Don't let my name fool ya!  I'm a crabby PMS kitty with an attitude!  When the human I own suggested that I blog you, my first reaction was ... "I'm NOT gonna blog NO DOG!"  She then explained that the human you own is a doctor!  If it weren't for the doctors, she wouldn't have her job that keeps me supplied with cat food, treats, toys and shrimp.  Yeah!  I'm high maintenance, so what? ... like you aren't?
                          phfffttt to you 
                          (that's me hissing!)
                          Love and kisses,
                     Baby Doll

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What's the point?  It's always a man who wins.

Good Grief!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Did I Mention It's Cold Here?

Egads!  May and I am still freezing in this Timbuktu town.  Is Spring ever going to come?  I can not imagine that this is the result of global warming.  A little global warming wouldn't hurt if you ask me.

Here I am watching the Kentucky Derby and wondering what happened to my mint julep.  I know I sat it down just a moment ago.   I guess you better keep your eye on your drink around here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My New Buddy, Rowdy

This is my new buddy, Rowdy, who lives in California.  I'd like to go visit there someday, but planes make me airsick.  May be, I'll just gas up the old Bentley and drive out that way.  It could be quite a long trip, though.  May be, I'll just have a gin and tonic and think it over.  

Friday, April 25, 2008

Wow, Man! I Mean Really!

What is with that Obama guy and my girlfriend, Hillary?   What's the deal?   Sometimes I just have to sit and stare out the window wondering what kind of world this has become.   Where is the love?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tidbit from My Journal 4-10-08

Rainy day today.  I slept late.  Sat around smoking and talking on the phone till noon.   Met with my broker over lunch.   Helluva guy!  I told him to invest my retirement fund in Milk Bones.  It may not be a growth fund, but at least I can eat it if the market gets any worse.   Think I'll watch out for the UPS man, and give him a good talking to.  More later.   Peace.  Out.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Newly Re-decorated Crib

It's Sunday and I am Off

Thank God!  What a long week I had.  I was supervising painters and tile men (I am having my suite re-decorated).  Tuesday, I was on security duty, and I could hardly arouse any attention, while my neighbor's house was being robbed.  Nobody pays attention to the neighbor's dogs as they bark injudiciously (hysterical bitches).  Well, eventually, I got around to finding my Easter picture, so I will post it tonight.  I think I better take another nap before I have to go to work again tomorrow.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Welcome to My Dog Blog

Hello Everyone!

My what a week!  I really have had my paws full starting this blog and all.  What else, you say?   Well, yesterday I had a bath, and actually all the stinky smell I had been accumulating for the past three weeks went down the drain (just like my retirement account).  Both are instances of how I am put down by the man.   Speaking of which... how can any sane girl puppy support a candidate who is not Hillary???   Talk about being kept down by the man, we are both sisters of oppression!   (love those exclamation points)

Tune in for future blogging including, but not limited to, postings of my Easter pictures, more about my exile in Omaha, perspectives on various issues, and more about my lovely personality.   Just give me a couple of days to work on getting my stink back and get this posting down.