Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Start Your Engines! The Holidays Are Here!

Boy have I ever been busy!  I started decorating for Christmas as you can see.  First, the Airport Authority called because pilots were complaining of glare while trying to land.  Then, I hear from NASA that they spotted something very bright from the International Space Station, and couldn't identify it.  

Things were just calming down, when there was a knock at the door.  Guess who was there.  Well, it wasn't Santa Claus.  It was the D.E.A.  Apparently, there had been a spike in electrical usage and they were concerned about a possible marijuana growing operation.  Personally, I think those agents have been watching too much television.  On top of all this, I still have to finish shopping and wrapping.  I hope everyone likes Milkbones!  You know what I always say--"if they don't like it, they can just give it to the dog."

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