Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Welcome to My Dog Blog

Hello Everyone!

My what a week!  I really have had my paws full starting this blog and all.  What else, you say?   Well, yesterday I had a bath, and actually all the stinky smell I had been accumulating for the past three weeks went down the drain (just like my retirement account).  Both are instances of how I am put down by the man.   Speaking of which... how can any sane girl puppy support a candidate who is not Hillary???   Talk about being kept down by the man, we are both sisters of oppression!   (love those exclamation points)

Tune in for future blogging including, but not limited to, postings of my Easter pictures, more about my exile in Omaha, perspectives on various issues, and more about my lovely personality.   Just give me a couple of days to work on getting my stink back and get this posting down.

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