Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Did You Hear About My New Movie ?

I am up for the lead in  Slumdog Bulldog and this  is me begging for food.  I hope you can appreciate the angst.  The hitch is, of course, the producers are going to have to spring for a first class ticket to Mumbai, otherwise they can just get Lassie.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter from California

So Sadie,  Long time no bark.  Attached is a photo of me surveying my kingdom.  You can see more photos of my digs at www.goldcountrybandb.com.  It is tough keeping all my people here in line.  They have me on a diet...can you believe it?   I ate all the frogs that were here when we arrived so I can't even supplement my snacks with a few choice tidbits anymore.   It's all I can do to catch a water skeeter once in a while.  Do you have this problem to?  Wet kisses...your friend,

Dear Rowdy,
No wonder you put on weight eating French food.  I have to watch those rich sauces myself.  As a matter of fact, everything I eat seems to give me gas!
Best regards,

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I want to thank Brad, Phil, and the whole crew at Markel Land Rover Omaha for customizing my new Range Rover.  It is so much easier to reach the gas pedal and brake now, and the Milkbone holder makes much more sense than an ashtray as I never smoke while driving.  Thanks also for the snappy new collar!  I will tell everyone at the kennel club about the superior customer service and attention to detail.  My Rover is so cool, it makes me want to leave the Bentley in the  royal mews.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This Ambassadorship is Looking Like a Sure Thing

They have sent around some tradespeople to fit me for an Ambassador's sash.  However, I am sure I will have to wait until after the inauguration to be presented to the Queen.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

 On the Hush-Hush:  Word from the beltway is that there might be an Ambassadorship in my future.  More later.