Sunday, June 15, 2008

For Father's Day

One of my baby pictures.  Everything I needed to know I learned in puppy class.  Sometimes life is good, sometimes it's not.  Pour  yourself a cup of coffee, and drink it while its hot.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Biker Dudes Want Me

Hello Sadie!
We are the Spicka men.  We are all from your hometown of Omaha.  We are all miniature schnauzers and as you can tell from our photo, we like Harley Davidsons! Our owners spoil us.  We get fancy hats, special treats, great toys and have quite the fan club.

Luther is on the left.  He is the oldest.  He is the oldest.  He is quite the authoritarian and he does not hear well.  But, I have to say he has eyelashes that would melt butter.  So may be hanging with a quiet old man would rock your world?

In the middle is my little brother George. He is quite sweet, but is a great escape artist. Kind of whimsical guy, he is.  Always has a great sense of adventure and loves to get into trouble.  If your desire is to run away and escape, he's your man!

My name is Howard.  I am the lover, the tail wagger, the MAN!  I have ears that make the girls take notice.

So...yo!  Sadie!  How about taking a ride with us dudes on our hogs?   We can cruise the black ribbon highway and see the countryside!  You would look great in a black leather collar with flames!

Another Note from Dude...(Is he in prison?)

Hi Sadie,
How are you?  One of my humans took a picture of me.  I was yelling at her not to take it today, I was not having a good hair day.  I wanted to wait to do a picture and try to look good to impress you.  I tried to keep moving when she got that camera out, but finally I just stood there and yelled at her, humans call it barking.  Anyway, I decided to go ahead and send this picture to you.

My good pal Boots has been reading your blogs too.  She is like a sister to me.  She is purebred like you.  She doesn't mind that I am talking to you, I kind of annoy her at times maybe because I am kind of wild and full of energy, so she is ok with me spending time with you.  She might write to you later and send a picture, too.  She is pretty high class just like you.

Let's keep in touch.  I check every day to see if you have a new picture or if you write anything new.

More Fan Mail

Hi Sadie,
My name is Boots.   You have a nice crib, I saw your pictures.  And you are wise to be leary of those private jewelers who think you don't know a real diamond.  I am sending a picture to you.  I am an Australian Shepherd.  I know you have heard from Dude, he is like a brother to me, he thinks you are cool.  Thanks for letting him write to you, it means a lot to him.  Your sunglasses are marvelous, and your taste in Milk Bones and Slo-Gin Fizzes is something we have in common.  Keep in touch.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Heard It Was Beach Day!

So where are the hot dudes?

Oh, never mind.  Just bring me a Slo-Gin Fizz, honey.