Sunday, November 7, 2010

I ' M B A A A C K K K K !

You are no doubt wondering where Sadie has been. I was called away to Hollywood to consult on a Motion Picture. It's really a bio-pic about my fab-u-lous life called "The Days of Whines and Poses." I personally think it needs a new title as that one is a bit too gritty for my taste, but you know Hollywood. In any case, I think I acclimated to that fast California pace and decided to stay on to help defeat that b-i-t-c-h Meg W. (Arnold told me he even voted for the Democrat.) Now that the brutal election season is over--Barrack went to India for healing and I am back in Omaha. There's one thing I don't miss at all, and that's those damn pupperazzi--they chased me everywhere!