Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

This witch's hat is just silly!   The things a girl has to do to get a treat.  It's always "sit" or "lay down" or "stay" or "come here" and NOW, this hat!   What an indignity!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Breaking News:
Here I am at Senator Clinton's Rally for Obama-Biden today.  I am standing next to her by the podium, in case you can't see me.  I don't know who adjusted that podium so high.  In any case, if my girlfriend says to endorse Obama, then that's what I am going to do.  Did you notice how young and vibrant Hillary looked in person?  Maybe eight years won't be that long.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vive La France!

Sadie's Gone French!

Mistaken Identity

While the city council and mayor have declared  American Bulldogs to be "pit bulls," I have been researching my heritage and have found out that I am actually a French Poodle.  Please correct your records, everyone!