Friday, May 30, 2008

Fan Mail

Hi Sadie!
I'm Baby Doll the Cat.  Don't let my name fool ya!  I'm a crabby PMS kitty with an attitude!  When the human I own suggested that I blog you, my first reaction was ... "I'm NOT gonna blog NO DOG!"  She then explained that the human you own is a doctor!  If it weren't for the doctors, she wouldn't have her job that keeps me supplied with cat food, treats, toys and shrimp.  Yeah!  I'm high maintenance, so what? ... like you aren't?
                          phfffttt to you 
                          (that's me hissing!)
                          Love and kisses,
                     Baby Doll

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What's the point?  It's always a man who wins.

Good Grief!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Did I Mention It's Cold Here?

Egads!  May and I am still freezing in this Timbuktu town.  Is Spring ever going to come?  I can not imagine that this is the result of global warming.  A little global warming wouldn't hurt if you ask me.

Here I am watching the Kentucky Derby and wondering what happened to my mint julep.  I know I sat it down just a moment ago.   I guess you better keep your eye on your drink around here.